Biodiesel Coop Guide – How to Make Your Own Biodiesel
Due to the constant increase in the price of oil and global warming, the search for renewable energy sources has begun, one of which is the use of biofuels (or agrofuels), including biodiesel.
This fuel offers multiple advantages when compared to other biofuels (ethanol for example), since anyone can make it at home with the proper utensils. In addition, waste material can be used for its manufacture (like the oil used in restaurants or at home).
Biodiesel is a new type of diesel, alternative, renewable, clean, made of triglycerides. For its manufacture you can use any type of vegetable oil either virgin or recycled. It can also be obtained from oilseeds such as rapeseed, sunflower, or even palm. In some cases, it is even possible to obtain it from animal fats, although it is much more expensive. But how is biodiesel manufactured?
To Start
Pour 200ml of methanol into a glass container where you can measure the amounts, then add ¼ tablespoon of soda (which would be sodium hydroxide), stirring until the soda dissolves.
While you have to pour 1 liter of oil that should be heated to 48ºC. The mixture of methanol and sodium hydroxide is then added very slowly, and it is stirred with a spoon or a whisk (which can not be used again for cooking afterwards).
The Process
Then the transesterification process begins, where the mixture must be left to rest for 40 minutes. You will see how the mixture becomes more liquid, and a dark layer will be noticed (by glycerin). The mixture should then be poured into a dry container (possibly a glass bottle), and left to rest for 2 days.
Use It
Later, it will be ready to be used in your car in case your engine is able to work with that type of fuel. It can also be mixed with diesel, but it would be the choice of each one.
So, you must have a lot of caution, since you will be working with very strong chemical components. Therefore it is recommended that you have knowledge in areas of engineering, mechanics, or chemistry. Among other recommendations, you should use homemade things like apron, gloves, glasses and mask.
Do not let any type of chemical component on your skin, such as sodium hydrogen or metalon. When making the homemade biodiesel, we recommend doing it somewhere with a lot of ventilation since it will be working with components that will throw away toxic vapors.